
The journey begins

Pudong International Airport



The journey begins

Pudong International Airport

It's about the Adventure...

Each red-dot identifies a city, town or village that was visited during this adventure
Join me as I travel overland from the Pacific Ocean (near Shanghai, China) to the Atlantic Ocean (near Brest, France) through 11 countries over a 2-month period. It is about the adventure but it is also about travelling slowly so that you have time to both engage and reflect.
In this journey, I travelled by high-speed trains across China, Soviet-era trains through Central Asia, and a cargo ship across the Caspian Sea - from Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan. I travelled by public bus through the Caucasus, along the southern coast of the Black Sea in Turkey, and through the Balkans, followed by an overnight ferry from Albania to Italy, and European trains to the Atlantic Ocean.
This website is NOT a Travel Blog - I am not trying to make money from my journey or this website. I am simply sharing my adventure to assist others in understanding how to plan and undertake such a complicated journey. Hopefully my website will inspire others to undertake a slow adventure that supports both a physical and transformational journey.
Scroll down to select a sequential journal entry - there are 32 entries - or click on a destination on the interactive map at the bottom of this page. There is also a menu at the top and bottom of each page that supports navigation.
Safe travels,
Welcome to Slow Flow Adventure
Introduction to Slow Travel
A journey invites discovery: of the world around us, of our engagement with that world and of ourselves. It is this discovery of our world and who we are that creates the adventure we seek.
Travelling slowly is not essential – there is virtue in speed too – but flowing slowly through space and time can support an understanding of our world and ourselves that is not readily achieved when in a hurry.

Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Sequential Journal Entries
Select any journal tile to explore that part of the adventure, or start at the beginning by selecting the first tile and then click 'next' at the end of the journal entry to be taken through all of the journals in sequence.
Interactive map
Click on a blue pin to explore that particular stop along the journey.